Page 7 - RSM Budget 2020 Highlights
P. 7


                                                                Loss Carry-back Relief

                                                                Qualifying  deductions  i.e.  current  year  unabsorbed
                                                                capital allowances and trade losses, for a YA may be
                                                                carried back to offset against the assessable income
                                                                of  a  taxpayer  for  the  immediate  preceding  YA,
                                                                capped  at  $100,000  of  qualifying  deductions  and
                                                                subject to conditions.

                                                                Proposed changes
                                                                The carry-back relief scheme will be enhanced for YA
                                                                2020.  Under  the  enhanced  scheme,  qualifying
                                                                deductions for YA 2020 may be carried back up to
                                                                three immediate preceding YAs, capped at $100,000
                                                                of qualifying deductions, and subject to conditions.

                                                                Taxpayers may elect to carry back to the relevant
                                                                preceding  YAs  an  estimated  amount  of  qualifying
                                                                deductions available for YA 2020, before the actual
                                                                filing of their income tax returns for YA 2020.

                                                                IRAS will provide the details of the change by end-
                                                                March 2020.

                                                                Effective date
                                                                The  carry-back  relief  scheme  is  enhanced  for  YA
                                                                2020 only.

                                                                   The proposed enhancement helps businesses in
                                                                    easing  their  cash  flow  and  lightening  their  tax
                                                                    burden in light of the current crisis.  Such benefit
                                                                    however  only  accrues      to  companies  which
                                                                    have chargeable income in the three immediate
                                                                    preceding YAs.

                                                                   By allowing taxpayers to elect and carry back
                                                                    an  estimated  amount  of  available  qualifying
                                                                    deductions  before  the  actual  filing  of  the  YA
                                                                    2020 income tax returns would help to alleviate
                                                                    short-term cash flow difficulties.

                                                                   Companies  must  take  into  account  the  tax
                                                                    exemption and corporate income tax rebate for
                                                                    the respective years so that maximum benefit
                                                                    may  be  achieved  by  carrying  back  qualifying
                                                                    deductions to the three immediate prior years.

                                                                                        BUDGET 2020 HIGHLIGHTS  |  5
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