Page 4 - RSM Budget 2022 Highlights
P. 4

Without a doubt, the coronavirus is here to stay as we enter the third year of the pandemic. We have to face the
            reality and embrace, adapt and accept this as a new normal as we slowly transition into an endemic state. The focus
            of this year’s Budget, as announced by the Finance Minister Mr Lawrence Wong on 18 February 2022, is about using
            collective resources to chart our new way forward together, strengthen our economy and social compact, position
            ourselves for the upturn, achieve first-mover advantage and seize new opportunities for growth.

            Budget 2022 spells out thoughtful measures that will be put in place. The key changes in focus are in the following
               Invest in new capabilities
               Advance the green initiatives

               Renew and strengthen the social compact
               Develop a fairer and more resilient revenue structure

            Invest in New Capabilities
            The Government sees priority in strengthening our digital capabilities in order to establish leading positions in the
            digital economy over the next few years. The existing broadband infrastructure will be upgraded and investments
            made in future technologies such as 6G to ride the next communications and connectivity wave.

            In  addition,  schemes  such  as  the  Advanced  Digital  Solutions  scheme,  Grow  Digital  scheme  and  TechSkills
            Accelerator initiative will be enhanced to help businesses adopt cutting-edge digital solutions in robotics, leverage
            digital platforms to reach overseas markets and to upskill the current digital workforce.

            There are also targeted efforts in pushing for pervasive innovation. In an effort to encourage SMEs to undertake
            innovation  projects  across  five  pilot  sectors,  viz.  Agri-Tech,  Construction,  Food  Manufacturing,  Precision
            Engineering and Retail, the Government will increase the capacity of centres that provides research and innovation
            support so as to cater to a larger number of SMEs.

            The Minister expressed equal importance in strengthening our local enterprise ecosystem. SMEs are encouraged
            to implement digital and automation solutions to raise productivity. For this, SMEs may take advantage of the
            Productivity Solutions Grant (“PSG”). The Government has set aside $600 million to expand the range of available
            solutions under the PSG and is pushing for greater take up of productivity solutions by SMEs over the next four

            A new initiative, Singapore Global Enterprises, will be launched to support larger local enterprises that need more
            customised assistance to scale up and invest in overseas markets. This initiative provides bespoke assistance
            tailored to the needs of promising local enterprises, in areas such as innovation, internationalisation and fostering
            of partnerships with other firms.

            To support companies in their growth and expansion through mergers and acquisitions (“M&A”), the M&A loan
            programme will be expanded to include domestic M&A activities taking place during the period 1 April 2022 to 31
            March 2026. In addition, the enhanced 70% risk-share by the Government under the Trade Loan will also apply for
            enterprises venturing into untapped markets such as Bangladesh and Brazil.

            The Government has reaffirmed its commitment in investing in our people as well. This will be achieved through
            significant investment in education and transforming our Institutes of Higher Learning into institutes for continual
            learning to foster lifelong learning. Adjustments will also be made to foreign worker policies with the aim to admit
            better skilled professionals from around the world and combine them with our own local professionals to form the
            best teams in Singapore to create value together. This gives us that extra advantage to excel amidst intense global

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